simplification course + Q&A calls


Minimize the admin overwhelm and maximize your practice efficiency to empower your dreams.


You love your practice, you love your clients.
Can you just break up with all the paperwork?


You dreamt of your space with the cute chair where you will sit across from your clients doing all the therapy things you’ve spent year learning. The artwork you’ll place around your office…the entire vibe. You even did the hard work of setting up your practice and getting your marketing started. The clients are coming in and it feels like a dream come true. 

EXCEPT, there’s this big pile of papers over in the corner of your desk. And it keeps catching your eye, it won’t disappear. To say that you’re overwhelmed just doesn’t cut it. Plus you're not even sure if what you are writing is going to help you pass insurance claims. You worked really hard to get here, but you’re beginning to question whether you can keep this going.  

The client time is what it's about. The whole reason you started your private practice. The work with your ideal client and really  being able to focus on them. But, now the paperwork is even interfering there too. 

This dang overwhelm even shows up outside of the office. On a Friday night, instead of hanging out with friends or spending time with family, you’re sitting on the couch catching up on your notes. 

But what if I told you it didn’t have to be like this.


Imagine what it would be like if…

  • You could confidently write your session notes before the end of your work day, no matter how many clients you saw that day.

  • You felt confident about billing insurance because you had an understanding of the basic requirements.

  • You had customizable templates to help you get your paperwork done fast. And they were easy to maintain.

  • You felt confident capturing your financials in a way that wont’ require hours of investigating.

  • Your Friday nights were free to do whatever you wanted, so you can enjoy some much desired self-love.

  • You had the freedom and confidence to grow - to really focus on your clients, to expand your business, and to invest in yourself.

    Practice Simply is an eight-module course that will leave you feeling empowered with all the tools, knowledge, and tips to simplify your practice.


Simply your practice
so that you can invest in what matter most.


Hey There. I’m Tia

And I’m here to help you organize
all things admin.


I love to organize and maximize everything in my world.  For as long as I can remember I have had systems in place. Ways to organize things. Little containers so I know where to find it all. Labels. And a flow. I’m often the person my colleagues turn to when they need help figuring out how to get something done. I love solving problems. And when I show up in a space, I see opportunity for growth, for organization, and for creating efficiency. 

I started my therapy work in community mental health and I was overwhelmed with the number of clients and the lack of organization. I felt cornered, go all in or get out. I didn’t know what to ask, because I didn’t know what I was missing. I loved my clients. But I was lost in the paperwork.

I was so overwhelmed. And my employer didn’t seem aware of the mess that existed. So I began researching the ethics and insurance requirements and ‘what goes where’. I learned. And then I set myself up with all these templates to organize this new information. Finally, my paperwork flow sped up so I wasn’t taking my work home.

I love helping others and problem solving. I am passionate about sharing my process because I want you to be successful in your business. And avoid all the pain that I went through.


Together, we are going to elevate your practice so that you can feel empowered with practical and efficient tools that last.


When you join Practice Simply you’ll gain access to:


  • Online Course: 8 module course, all about the dirty details of keeping your entire practice organized; including my signature videos, templates, and cheat-sheets to make this a breeze.

  • At Your Own Pace: The Practice Simply On-Demand is a self-study option to all the amazing module content, with lifetime access. Take your time to implement each tool and hack, at a pace that works for you.

  • Signature Organization Tools & Resources: Easy to use (and ready to use) resources that maximize your practice and simplify your business. 

  • Coaching & Accountability: Monthly group coaching / Q&A time to ensure implementation of all your simplification tools.

  • Immediate Access: All 8 modules available immediately.

  • Access to the Expert: Dedicated check-ins to provide support in implementing the organization tools into your practice.

I’m So Ready!


I first met Tia through a mentorship program that we were both participating in. Right away, I sensed a solidness presence about her that I was drawn to. She is creative, articulate, and insightful while still being grounded and practical. Her system for staying organized in private practice so that we as clinicians can focus on what we do best is both user-friendly while still being immensely helpful. She provides a great framework through her tracker that can also be customized to meet the unique needs of each clinician’s practice. Her genuine desire to help others be successful is evident in not only the quality of her content but also her calm and kind presence.” 


You might be thinking,
“I should have this figured out already and I’m not sure I’m ready for everyone to know the mess I’ve got going on.”


I totally get it. We therapists put so much pressure on ourselves to know it all. Yet somehow we are able to give our clients grace as they are learning things that they were never taught. It’s a hard fact, we simply cannot know what we do not know. So where’s that self-compassion you deserve.

Maybe you haven’t got a good handle on this yet because it was never taught to you. If that feels true, you’re not alone.  I took a poll in a large group of therapists and found that an overwhelming majority did not feel they were taught the ‘how-to’ of therapy in grad school. And, sometimes it's even worse if you learned these things at a larger agency because we get stuck on how it translates to what's required of your private practice.  

In Practice Simply, you’ll join other therapists who are in the mess and looking forward to creating a solid foundation for their practice. You’ll gain the knowledge and tools you need to feel encouraged and confident. 

You’re not alone in feeling lost and overwhelmed, but you don’t have to stay that way. I’m going to help you get out from underneath that mountain of paperwork so you can breathe again.


Organized Mindset

Create a solid foundation for new organization systems to settle in.

Client Engagement

Maximize your system to create a hands-off introduction to your practice.

Diagnostic Hacks

Dig-in to all things diagnosing and set up an efficient system that meets the basics of ethical care.

Treatment Plan Hacks

Set up an efficient system that meets the basic insurance requirements and transitions into your sessions.

Session Hacks

Discover the necessary documentation for sessions and create a system that lets you wrap these up quickly.

Even More Organization

Learn new hacks for your practice that will help ease communication with others.

Money Hacks

Set up a routine for tracking finances and learn about the ins and outs of insurance.

Business Hacks

Elevate your organization by implementing our business tracker and schedule system.


In just 8-weeks you could totally transform the admin organization of your private practice.


It’s time to go all in and give yourself a break from the overwhelm. You deserve the space for creating intention and living your dreams. 

You’ll be able to step out of your ‘therapy room’ with peace, excitement, and ease. Your practice will be efficient and you’ll have time to focus on the things that matter to you most. 

Don’t wait a second longer. Commit right now to get the help with organization you need so that you can enjoy space with your clients, elevate your business, and be present in your personal life.




  • Online Course: 8 module course, all about the dirty details of keeping your entire practice organized; including my signature videos, templates, and cheat-sheets to make this a breeze.

  • At Your Own Pace: Self-study option to all the amazing module content, with lifetime access.

  • Immediate Access: All 8 modules available immediately, no need to wait until the next group coaching program opens.

  • My Signature Organization Tools & Resources: Easy to use resources that maximize your practice and simplify your business.

  • Coaching & Accountability: Monthly group coaching / Q&A time to ensure implementation of all your simplification tools.


Looking to jump in and get started with just one of these modules?

Diagnostic Hacks, Treatment Planning Hacks, and Session Hacks are now available as individual purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions…

When does the group program start?

Practice Simply is available immediately after you purchase. You'll have immediate access to the course modules and templates. You'll be able to complete the program at your convenience. Coaching calls run monthly and you'll be able to join right away.

How long will I have access to the lessons?

Each lesson is saved for lifetime access. This means you’ll always have access to the course and tools, including any future updates that I make to the course. Perfect for when life happens and takes you off course or you just want a refresher later on.

Do you help me understand the insurance stuff?

Insurance stuff is so confusing that sometimes it feels like it's intentional. Whether your guiding a client on submitting a superbill or your submitting claims directly, Practice Simply provides you with the confidence you need to meet your professional ethical regulations and the requirements of insurance providers.

How much does the Practice Simply program cost?

Practice Simply is an 8-module accountability and guidance program that will give you confidence in the paperwork of your private practice. Practice Simply is $497 for immediate access to a self-paced organization.

Will you teach me how to market my practice?

Practice Simply is all about creating systems that are easy to follow and use long-term. In the program you’ll gain access to tools that help you implement your marketing strategies, but we won’t be learning the ‘how-to’ of marketing here.

How does the 'access to the expert' work?

With Practice Simply, you'll be invited to a monthly coaching call that is perfect for asking those questions about implementing the lessons into your practice.

How is Practice Simply different than all the other programs?

Practice Simply does not assume a one-size fits all approach. All documents, tips, and tools are customizable for you and your practice. In Practice Simply coaching calls, you will have opportunity to discuss what's getting in your way of making these efficiency changes happen in your practice and we'll dig deep to figure out how it can work for you.


As Benjamin Franklin once said,
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

Peace, confidence, and stability in your business is just weeks away. 

Practice Simply is a place for you to learn and implement all things organization into your practice. Whether you're new to your clinical practice or you’ve been at it for 30 years…

I am so excited to help you cut the amount of paperwork that you’re dealing with everyday so that you can get back to doing what you love.